Tri Andalan Servindo (TAS) was started in mid of 2016 with the head office located at Tangerang. It has facilities of training, warehousing, repairing and manufacturing. TAS has established Sales Office located in Surabaya, Cilacap, Cilegon, Palembang, Medan and Dumai which is prepared with the facilities of training and repair service. Our service team is available to support on site technical activities such as equipment overhaul, installation, commissioning & start-up of various Rotating Equipment.
TAS has been appointed by reputable company as their authorized Distributor and Reseller for Indonesia territory to provide Products and Services such as Johnson Controls Inc. - York, Fricks, Sabroe, Thomas Rexnord (Power Transmission Coupling), David Brown Santasalo (Gear Box), Revalve (Valve Test & Repair Equipment).
We also partner of PT Fluid Science Dynamics Indonesia for the products and service of Mechanical Seal, Dry Gas Seal & its Support Systems, TM Filter, New JCM Turbo Machinery, Gas Booster and High Speed Pumps.
TAS has a vision to provide a high quality Products & Services to customers in the field of Sealing & Flow Systems for Rotating and Static Equipment in various industries.
To reach this vision, TAS indicates a strategic approach to :
TAS Repair center is located in Tangerang, Banten Province, Indonesia
Tri Andalan Servindo works alongside Indonesia. The repair center has 30 full time employees and totally 50 sets of manufacturing and repair devices. Besides, FSD Indonesia is the centre of Engineering which develops its own product design and engineering under the brand of FSD. The FSD brand is registered in Indonesia.